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Entries in lambing courses (20)


Watch this space for lambing course dates

Champion Ryeland Flock HerefordshireWaiting with great excitement for the day with the Scanning man comes along and we will be able to confirm lambing dates for our Ryelands, Coloured Ryelands, Greyface Dartmoors and Texels.


Lambing course dates for March 2015 at Oakberrow

In Lamb ewes ready for lambing at OakberrowThe ewes were all scanned last Friday and we are delighted with the outcome.  The Greyface Dartmoors we have 10 girls expecting and all the Texels are in lamb.  The Ryelands have also come up well with 34 of them expecting.  Plenty of twins and singles from the girls with one set of triplets expected.

The courses will commence from 17 February 2015.

NEW for this year we will have a few places for those who wish to experience night time lambing.  The course will start at 6pm and finish the following morning - what time you finish is with the ewes! A bed will be provided with breakfast and evening meal. 

Day courses commence at 10am - 4pm which will include lunch.

We limit numbers on the courses - day courses maximum 4 people and for the night time maximum 2 people.

It is a great experience and previous pupils have found it really helpful and learnt a lot.  We do like you to have a hands-on experience, but of course this is all dependent on the ewes. 

Please get in touch in you are interested, always pleased to have a chat through what you can expect to experience on the day.



We are delighted with the response for the courses.

Texel lambsAnd as such we have only a few spaces left for the weekday courses, but have extended our dates to include a Saturday. Additional dates are;

Saturday 16 February 2013
Saturday 23 February 2013

Saturday 2 March 2013

All the girls are housed and are happily munching on the haylage and eating well.  First is due on 9 February so more to follow after then.



Lambing at Oakberrow starts on Valentines day - 14 February 2013.

Ryeland ewe and lamb

We will be lambing 60 ewes altogether made up with Ryelands, Texels and the Grey Faced Dartmoors.

We are planning 2 days every week for the courses.  They will be very much hands-on and you will be working with the sheep and learn about signs of when a ewe is about to lamb, actual lambing, looking after ewe and lambs after birth and so on.

There will be limited spaces, so if interested please apply asap.  See under Lambing Courses for the dates



Steve, myself and all at Oakberrow wish all our friends a family best wishes for the festive season. 

2012 has been an exciting year with our first Greyfaced Dartmoor Lambs being born at Oakberrow.  Also Gin having her gorgeous litter of Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla pups.  Foster winning the Challenge Certificate at Paignton Championship Dog Show and also Best of Breed.  At the beginning of the year both Gin and Foster won their Show Certificates of Merit.

Success at the shows with the Ryeland Sheep and my year as President of the Ryeland Flock Book Society which ends soon and the Presidency will be handed over to John Donovan.  The Workshop for Ryeland members held in August at the Three Counties Showground which was a resounding success with 80 members attending.  Although hard work thoroughly enjoyable and very rewarding with all having gone home having learnt something.

The launch of the web site - it is a year old and has been visited and enjoyed by many, however there is always work to do to improve.

2013 - Lambing course dates set - see under Learning courses.  

Exciting judging appointments for both dogs and sheep for myself and Steve for sheep and Longhorn cattle.

From all at Oakberrow best wishes

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